Not sure how to get the parade?
Check out the nearest transportation.
For those at home, you can watch the live stream of the parade. The link will be published on the day itself.
Pride in London is an annual event celebrating the LGBTQ+ community, promoting diversity, and fostering inclusion. It includes a parade, performances, events, and various activities across the city, aimed at celebrating love, acceptance, and unity.
Most events during Pride in London, including the parade, are free to attend.
There are many ways to participate in Pride in London. You can join the parade as a marcher, volunteer to help with the organization and logistics, attend various events, or simply come and support by being a spectator.
First things first, if you’re planning on drinking alcohol, eat beforehand! You know what they say about drinking on an empty stomach. Going alcohol-free? Good on you; there are plenty of options for you to enjoy just as much as the real thing. If you are drinking on the other hand, know your limits and pace yourself. The NHS One You – Drink Less app is perfect for keeping track of how much you’re drinking and spending.Keep a water bottle handy throughout the day (you’ll thank yourself the next morning) and guard your drinks — along with other valuables like your bag and phone. Thinking about walking home? Don’t go it alone, especially if you’ve had a long day drinking. Look after those who need to find their way back, and remember: you’ll still have alcohol in your system the morning after, so don’t drive!
Pride in London aims to be a safe and inclusive event for everyone, so make sure to follow any instructions from event organizers and respect all participants.